My Superhero Body – Week 3

Welcome back, gryphans! It was a week of ups and downs and unexpected pizza, and I’m ready to share!

Miss last week? My Superhero Body – Week 2

Want to catch up from the beginning? My Superhero Body – Getting Started

Post Mortem

FOOD! Again…

This week, my exercise really kicked up a notch. I was running longer and harder than I have in years. So you’d think the pounds would just be melting off of me, right?


With the harder exercise and more calories burned, my appetite shot through the roof!

With the exception of a 9 year old’s pizza party (Happy Birthday, Maddie!) I managed to eat food that was pretty decent, but my portion sizes sneaked up larger again.

I think I’ll be looking for some good, low calorie hunger busters to help me out with portion control again.


The aches and pains I expected all along have finally set in!

My knees, especially my right knee, have started to ache; my shins, calves, and thighs hurt; and my ankles are sore! To top it all off, I think I have a slight sunburn!

Okay, so they say, “Pain is weakness leaving the body,” but that’s kind of a load of crap. There’s good pain and bad pain. The soreness of a well worked out muscle is great, which is I think what I’m feeling in my shins, calves, and thighs as mentioned earlier. My knees and ankles probably isn’t good pain. Honestly, I think as I lose weight, those pains will ease quite a bit. For now, It’s ibuprofen and ice to get through.

I’m pushing myself a lot harder than I have in a long time, but I can feel myself getting stronger and faster, so I’m going to keep pushing!

Weekly Weigh-In

The Numbers

On June 12th, 2017:

  • I weigh 296.1 pounds
  • My body fat is 37.9%
  • That means 112.2 pounds of me is fat

In the last week:

  • I’ve lost 0.9 pounds
  • I’ve lost 0.6 pounds of fat

Since I’ve started:

  • I’ve lost 9.3 pounds
  • I’ve lost 6.0 pounds of fat

It’s not a lot of weight loss, but it’s still progress in the right direction, so I’m not going to complain!

Moving Forward

This week, the plan is to push myself hard,

Track my meals better,

And move on to week 4 of Zombies Run 5k.

Special thanks to Never stop being you, Tumblr!


Thanks for joining me on this journey, gryphans! I’ll see you next week!

Mr. Gryphon


© All images are copyrighted by their respective copyright owners.

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Jake (a.k.a. Mr. Gryphon) is the mystical Golden Gryphon an Alpha Geek who enjoys building and destroying things. He's also an author of supernatural fiction and a fan of the sci-fi and fantasy genres. Visit his author website here:

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