Tutorial: Mini Organs

Sometimes you feel like the scarecrow, willing to while away the hours, conversing with the flowers… If you only had a brain!

Boom! Brainpower!
Boom! Brainpower!

For this project, you will need:

  • Aluminum foil
  • Hot glue
  • Acrylic paint

We only have completed pictures of the brain, so we’ll change gears: You need a heart, Mr. Cowardly Lion!

We start off with aluminum foil.

Curses! Foiled again!
Curses! Foiled again!

Find a reference image of whatever you’re wanting to make. Heart, brain, colon? Great! Get a picture, and start crumpling foil into whatever you’re making.

It's a heart. (We love you!)
It’s a heart. (We love you!)

Next, warm up your hot glue gun and make sure you’ve got plenty of glue sticks.

Look at the texture of what you’re making. Brains are squiggly, hearts have muscle and veins, colons are… colony.

So start laying down hot glue, working slowly so it doesn’t all run together into a smooth mass.

And try not to burn yourself.

Theres so much detail here. You might not see it, since it's clear glue on shiny foil, but it's there.
Theres so much detail here. You might not see it, since it’s clear glue on shiny foil, but it’s there.

Okay, let’s get back to the brain. (I’m too lazy to paint a heart tonight. Deal with it!)


You’re going to want to lay down a base coat of whatever color you want in your nooks and crannies. Cover the whole thing and really work it in there.

Then let it dry. Go ahead, we’ll wait.

Is it dry? Perfect!

Next, you need to dry brush on your highlight color. For this, you put just a small amount of paint on the brush, and lightly brush the surface. This will leave your dark colors in the crevices, and your hot glue details will pop!

I really love this brain!
I really love this brain!

There you are! Mini organs that you can use to accessorize your zombie costume, decorate for Halloween, juggle, or play dodgeball with!

Have fun!

Published by


Jake (a.k.a. Mr. Gryphon) is the mystical Golden Gryphon an Alpha Geek who enjoys building and destroying things. He's also an author of supernatural fiction and a fan of the sci-fi and fantasy genres. Visit his author website here: http://jacobcox.us/

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